people on a gondola
medieval bridge in florence
single perspective photography of forest beside body of water
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Giulio Cesare
Reggio Calabria
Cinque Terre
Colosseo, Roma
Reggio Calabria
Colosseo, Roma
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Learn Italian with Pasquale – Italian Language & Culture


Ciao a tutti! I’m Pasquale, a native Italian speaker and a certified language teacher. I’ve been teaching Italian online for over five years, helping people learn this beautiful and expressive language. I’ll share the benefits of learning Italian, tips to get started, and the services I offer as an online tutor.

Why Learn Italian?

Italian is spoken by over 60 million people in Italy, Switzerland, and more. It’s an official language of the EU and used by international organizations. Italian culture, art, music, literature, and cuisine are world-renowned.

How to Learn Italian?

Set goals, choose materials of interest, practice regularly, immerse in authentic content, and seek feedback from native speakers or experts.

What Do I Offer as an Online Tutor?

Personalized lessons tailored to your needs, using communicative and interactive approaches. Improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Flexible, affordable, and convenient lessons with feedback and progress tracking.