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Why is it better to learn Italian with a native teacher?

If you want to learn Italian, you might be wondering whether you should choose a native or a non-native teacher. While both options have their advantages and disadvantages, there are some reasons why learning with a native speaker can be more beneficial for your language skills. Here are some of them:

  • A native teacher can expose you to authentic and natural Italian. They can teach you how to speak like a real Italian, using idioms, slang, gestures and cultural references that you might not learn from a textbook or a non-native teacher. They can also help you avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings that might arise from literal translations or false cognates.
  • A native teacher can give you feedback and corrections based on their intuition and experience. They can spot your errors and explain why they are wrong, without relying on grammar rules or dictionaries. They can also help you improve your pronunciation and intonation, by modeling the correct sounds and rhythms of the language.
  • A native teacher can motivate and inspire you to learn more. They can share their passion and enthusiasm for their language and culture, and make you curious about the history, literature, art, music and cuisine of Italy. They can also introduce you to different varieties and dialects of Italian, and show you how rich and diverse the language is.

Learning Italian with a native teacher can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience that can boost your confidence and fluency in the language. Of course, this does not mean that non-native teachers are not qualified or effective, but rather that native teachers have some unique advantages that can enhance your learning process.

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Nullam eu sem

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Pellentesque tellus 

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Phasellus luctus

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Etiam sodales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli.

Nullam eu sem

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli.


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