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medieval bridge in florence
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Colosseo, Roma
Reggio Calabria
Colosseo, Roma
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Month: July 2021

  • Literature

    Italian Literature

    Welcome to our ‘Italian Literature’ page, created for lovers of Italian culture and literature! Mini-Book Club: I promessi sposi Over the summer months, we’re reading Alessandro Manzoni’s romantic blockbuster ‘I promessi sposi’. Anyone is welcome to read along with us and to comment/share their progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this…

    Read More: Italian Literature
  • Literature


    Build your Italian reading and listening skills, for free! Enjoy this series of articles written for learners and the accompanying audios recorded by an Italian native speaker. La storia di Roma These articles will be published each Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting on July 13th 2020 and concluding in mid-September. To make sure you don’t…

    Read More: History


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